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            SDT ACMI SYSTEM
            SDT is a defense company focused
            on developing domestically pro-
            duced products and solutions in
            R&D-based fields. Since its estab-
            lishment in 2005, it has produced
            and put into use various defense
            electronics and software products.
            In accordance with its areas of ex-
            pertise and through domestic ca-
            pabilities, SDT produces; electronic
            warfare signal processing and analysis systems, image pro-
            cessing and analysis software, satellite ground stations,
            satellite signal/data processing and analysis systems, asso-
            ciated electronic and avionics systems of aerial platforms
            and weapon systems, electronic units for land platforms,
            RF Jammer systems, weapon guidance electronics and sim-
            ulation/information systems.
            SDT ACMI pods are a simulation system that allows air
            force pilots to train live for both tactical maneuvering
            and weapons engagements. SDT ACMI System is mounted
            on Eastern and Western airborne platforms as an exter-
            nal pod form and provides efficient training capability to
            pilots for A/A, A/G missiles and air defense systems. SDT
            ACMI System is being used by Turkish Air Force and allied
            countries effectively in the scope of national and inter-
            national training exercises. This system includes mission
            planning, live monitoring, and post mission analysis capa-
            bilities and enables fighter pilot training under real flight
            conditions and in a multi-participant threat and target
            Main features of the SDT ACMI system are autonomous
            altitude and position generation, simultaneous simulation
            of multiple missiles, real time hit/miss estimation according
            to real flight conditions, long range, and high throughput
            data. Expandable and programmable (SDR) data link with
            ad-hoc features allows a training environment for 150 air-
            craft at the same time and promises a Live, Virtual, & Con-
            structive Simulation (LVC) training infrastructure.
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