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20                                                            D EF EN S EH ER E  D S A 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


            MBDA’s leading GBAD solutions at DSA Malaysia 2024  air threats. CAMM has a range of over 25 km, while the
            MBDA, Malaysia’s long-standing partner for ground   CAMM-ER missile has a range of over 40 km.
            based air defence (GBAD), presents its world-leading   VL MICA
            GBAD solutions at DSA Malaysia.                VL MICA is a short-medium range, ground-based air de-
                                                           fence system deploying the MICA fire-and-forget missile.
            The complex weapons specialist company is a true   Currently, the only one in the world capable of being fit-
            global leader in the domain and the biggest in Europe.   ted with either a passive Infrared homing head (VL MICA
            For decades the Malaysia Armed Forces have relied
            upon the MBDA-designed Jernas system for ground   IR) or an active radar (VL MICA RF).
            based air defence.
                                                           A typical VL MICA ground-based air defence unit is or-
                                                           ganised around a vehicle-mounted shelter-protected
                                                           Tactical Operations Centre (TOC), also known as  the
                                                           Platoon Command Post (PCP). It carries out all Command,
                                                           Control and Coordination functions, including real-time
                                                           engagement, mission planning, system monitoring and
                                                           connection with the higher level of command.

                                                           The TOC remotely controls a tri-dimensional radar mount-
                                                           ed on a separate vehicle and three to six vertical launcher
                                                           units mounted on further vehicles. The 360° system is par-
                                                           ticularly effective against saturation attacks by low-signa-
                                                           ture targets such as guided bombs and missiles (including
                                                           cruise missiles).

            Today, MBDA is proposing its next-generation GBAD sys-
            tems to provide a cutting-edge layered air defence for
            the Malaysian Army and Malaysian Air Force. Modern
            MBDA systems provide significantly enhanced range and
            performance compared with Jernas, plus 360°, all-weath-
            er coverage while minimizing support requirements.

            EMADS – or Enhanced Modular Air Defence Solutions to
            give its full title - is a rapidly deployable point and area
            defence system that protects mobile and static high-val-
            ue assets. It provides all-weather protection against a
            full spectrum of conventional and non-conventional air
            targets, including low-level terrain-following threats and
            those from high altitudes.

            The system is the natural replacement for the Rapier-Jer-
            nas air defence system and it represents a significant
            upgrade in capability when compared with the previous
            generation of systems.

            EMADS deploys the Common Anti-air Modular Missile
            (CAMM) and its extended range variant (CAMM-ER).
            These missiles are designed for land and sea environ-
            ments, incorporating advanced technologies to provide
            complete protection against all known and projected
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