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18                                                        D EF EN S EH ER E  D I M D E X 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N

            EMA defence

          Ema Defence continues its activities with the aim
          of innovative, quality-oriented and timely de-
          livery of Automatic Fire Extinguishing systems
          needed by armored vehicle manufacturers in line
          with the demands of the manufacturer and with
          the goal of unconditional customer satisfaction.

          Ema Defence offers important products and ser-
          vices to the defense industry with its R&D staff
          and engineers, strong technical and equipment
          infrastructure, trained, experienced and con-
          stantly improving human capital.

          With our international experience, we offer
          operational and engineering solutions such as
          Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems, cabling,
          electronic card design, mechanical-electronic in-
          tegration, and integration solutions such as R&D,
          analysis, prototype, quality control and after
          sales support for armored vehicles, armored con-
          struction equipment and other armored vehicles.
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