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          2024  سدكميد  ةخسن  ريه  سنفيد

          Sub-Sector Best Prospects                     Military
          Over the last decade, the most purchased items in the   The QAF is a small and well-equipped force that is respon-
          defense sector include anti-ballistic missile systems and   sible for defense against external threats; following the
          a new generation of fighter aircraft.  Military electronics   downturn in ties with Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and
          and cyber systems,  helicopters  for special  forces  teams,   the UAE in the mid-2010s, the Qatari Government em-
          light tactical armored vehicles with weapons systems,   barked on a major arms acquisition and modernization
          GBU-35 bunker-buster ammunition to be used against   program to increase the QAF’s capabilities and regional
          concrete-protected nuclear facilities, guided air-to-air and   standing; the Air Force has benefited the most, growing
          air-to-ground missiles, helicopters, fighter jets, and air de-  from an inventory of 12 older combat aircraft and a few
          fense systems are also common purchases.      fighter  trainers  in  2017  to  a current  inventory  of about
                                                        60 modern multirole fighter aircraft from France, the UK,
                                                        and the US; it is slated to grow to about 100 such aircraft
          Opportunities Training and capacity building programs  by the mid-2020s; other aircraft acquisitions have includ-
          -Cyber Security and Electronic Warfare Systems  ed US attack helicopters; the Land Force has re-equipped
          -Integrated air and missile defense systems   its armored brigade and separate mechanized and artil-
          -Navy & Marine defense systems                lery battalions with modern tanks, armored vehicles, and
          -Local Manufacturing: To support Qatar’s Vision 2030, the   self-propelled artillery, mostly with purchases from Ger-
                                                        many and Turkey; meanwhile, the Navy over the same pe-
          government seeks successful partnerships that can help   riod has received four corvettes and four offshore patrol
          develop local manufacturing capabilities and transfer   vessels from Italy and Turkey.
          knowledge to entities such as Barzan Holdings.
          Military equipment inventories and acquisitions
                                                        Qatar hosts the regional headquarters for the US Central
          The Qatari military’s inventory includes a broad mix of   Command (CENTCOM; established 1983) and several thou-
          older and modern weapons systems, mostly from the US   sand US military forces at various military facilities, includ-
          and Europe; in the 2010s, Qatar embarked on an exten-  ing the large Al Udeid Air Base; it has Major Non-NATO
          sive military expansion and modernization program with   Ally status with the US, a designation under US law that
          large air, ground, and naval equipment purchases; in re-  provides foreign partners with certain benefits in the ar-
          cent years, France and the US have been the top suppliers;   eas of defense trade and security cooperation; Qatar also
          other major suppliers have included Germany, Italy, and   hosts Turkish military forces at two bases established in
          the UK.                                       2014 and 2019.
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