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16                                                        D EF EN S EH ER E  D I M D E X 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N

            Meteksan defence

         Meteksan Defence Exhibits Its Innovative Naval
         Solutions at DIMDEX 2024

         Turkish leader private defense electronics company; Me-
         teksan Defence participates DIMDEX 2024 Exhibition with
         its high technology products for Naval Forces including;

         * ULAQ Unmanned Surface Vessel
         * MILSAR SAR/MTI Radar
         * KAPAN Counter Drone System
         * Retinar AESA Multi-Mission Radar             MILSAR SAR/MTI Radar
                                                        MILSAR is designed to be used on airborne platforms for
         * YAKAMOS-RT Retractable Sonar System          intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, deterrence, and
         * FELIX On-the-Move Counter UAS System         attack operations. It has versatile Moving Target Indica-
         * DUNKER Helicopter Escape Training Simulator   tion (MTI) for detection and tracking of potential targets
                                                        and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) modes for high reso-
                                                        lution and all weather radar imagery, target classification
                                                        and ground mapping. MILSAR detects and tracks poten-
                                                        tial targets either low speed small size or fast moving ob-
                                                        jects even in adverse weather and low visibility conditions
                                                        including cloud and fog.

         ULAQ Unmanned Surface Vessels
         ULAQ is the name of the Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)
         product family, which includes different platform types,
         capabilities and functions. ULAQ can handle complex and
         overwhelming missions that demand very high endurance   KAPAN Counter Drone System
         which are difficult to achieve with humans on the front-
         line. ULAQ makes these possible with its sophisticated   Meteksan Defence developed KAPAN Counter Drone Sys-
         hardware & software designed not only to enable full   tem for military and security officers to help them fight
         remote control capability but also to execute predeter-  with drone threats. KAPAN offers a superior drone detec-
         mined autonomous missions.                     tion, tracking and neutralization performance for critical
                                                        infrastructure security with its high technology drone de-
                                                        tection radar, electro-optic and jammer sub-systems.
         The command and control of ULAQ  can be effectively
         managed either from mobile or stationary onshore sites
         or through afloat stations installed on ships. As a capa-  YAKAMOS-RT Retractable Sonar
         ble surface platform, ULAQ can perform and/or support   YAKAMOS-RT is the brand new member of the YAKAMOS
         the execution of Intelligence-Surveillance-Reconnaissance   Sonar Family, designed for smaller platforms operating in
         (ISR), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW), Anti-Submarine War-  shallow water like Patrol Boats. YAKAMOS-RT has been
         fare (ASW), Mine Warfare (MW), Maritime Security (MAR-  designed to provide ASW capability to smaller platforms
         SEC) and various other naval, civil, industrial and environ-  operate in shallow  waters, cannot be equipped with a
         mental tasks.                                  hull-mounted sonar system.
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