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12                                                        D EF EN S EH ER E  D I M D E X 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


          Founded in 1964 and one of Turkey’s largest commercial
          and military vehicle manufacturers; BMC offers unique
          solutions for the automotive and defense industries with
          its wide range of products at high quality standards, quali-
          fied workforce, and high production capacity. BMC, which
          develops and produces commercial and defense industry
          vehicles in different configurations ranging from buses to
          trucks, mine-resistant armored vehicles, tactical wheeled
          vehicles, tracked vehicles and unmanned land vehicles;
          continues to work and produce on its way to becoming a
          world brand.

                                                        equipment (CBRN protection system, firing location target
                                                        detection system, automatic fire extinguishing system, in-
                                                        ternal speaking system, jamming reinforcement system,
                                                        etc.) and a specially designed explosive discovery and dis-
                                                        posal robot arm version.

                                                        ALTUĞ 8x8 ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER
                                                        ALTUĞ 8x8, which has a high level and expandable modular
                                                        ballistic mine, IED and CBRN protection system, provides an
                                                        advantage with its firing location detection system while
                                                        being a fortress on the battlefield. Capable of carrying all
                                                        types of weapons from 7.62 millimeters to 120 millimeters,
                                                        ALTUĞ 8x8 provides superior protection against mines and
          AMAZON 4x4 can reach a speed of 110 kilometers per hour   improvised explosive devices. ALTUĞ can carry a payload
          with a range of 800 kilometers. With a maximum loaded   of up to 8 tons. With its removable and replaceable vehicle
          weight of 16 tons, the vehicle can be manned by 7 per-  roof concept, ALTUĞ 8x8 has a “multi-mission capability on
          sonnel. AMAZON 4x4, which has ballistic, mine and im-  a single platform” and operates with advanced maneuver-
          provised explosive device protection, provides deterrence   ability thanks to its 4-axle steering.
          with its remote-controlled weapon station. The vehicle has
          equipment such as fire extinguisher and air conditioning
          systems, runflat tires, and central tire inflation system.

          The KİRPİ II, the renewed version of the KİRPİ, which has
          become a legend with its superior level of protection in
          the mine-resistant vehicle class, features an independent
          suspension system. KİRPİ II stands out with its monoco-
          que-type armored cabin and special armored windows,
          shock-absorbing seats, weapon station and emergen-
          cy exit hatch features, as well as many mission-oriented
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