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22                                   D EF EN S EH ER E  W O R L D D E F E N S E S H O W ( W D S ) 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


            HAVELSAN is one of the leading technology companies   best of simulation and training products, solutions and
            of Turkey, established in 1982 as a corporation affiliated   services to satisfy the evolving demands of its customers
            with the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation. Thanks to its   worldwide.
            decades-long experience and highly qualified human re-  Thanks to its Autonomous and Platform Technologies,
            sources, HAVELSAN provides high technology-based soft-  HAVELSAN has combined its Hybrid Swarm intelligence
            ware-intensive solutions and products for armed forces,   capabilities with its years long experience in Joint Robot-
            public and private sectors.                    ics and Autonomous Systems. HAVELSAN develops and of-
            HAVELSAN has established itself as a reliable, sustainable   fers Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Sub-Cloud Autonomous
            and strategic solution partner to meet the security and   UAVs and Armed Unmanned Autonomus Sea Vehicles
            safety needs of friendly and allied countries with scien-  within the concept of Digital Troops.
            tific, unique, innovative, and high-technology products,   HAVELSAN as a software company also offers products
            solutions, and services. HAVELSAN has undersigned many   and solutions in ICT apart from the defense industry.
            reference projects  at home and abroad in the fields of   HAVELSAN develops systems and products to meet cyber
            Command Control and Defence Technologies; Simulation,   security needs that are increasing at an unprecedented
            Autonomous and Platform Management Technologies; In-  pace, while meeting the cyber security-related needs of
            formation and Communication Technologies.      various institutions.
            HAVELSAN, has been one of the most important solution
            providers in Surface/Underwater Command, Control, Com-
            munication, and Computer Systems, Air Command Control
            and Information Systems  and Land/Joint Command Con-
            trol Systems. As Turkey’s one and only, sole source proven
            combat management system provider, HAVELSAN has not
            only contributed to the Turkish navy in improving its de-
            terrence power but also strengthened its competitiveness
            in global markets.
            As one of the world’s leading simulator companies in the
            defence and aerospace industry, HAVELSAN has deliv-
            ered critical technologies and turnkey solutions to Turkish
            Armed Forces for years. With the strength of its capabil-
            ities based on world-class, industry-leading simulation
            technology, HAVELSAN is dedicated to provide the very
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