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18                                   D EF EN S EH ER E  W O R L D D E F E N S E S H O W ( W D S ) 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


            ARMELSAN is an industry leader in underwater remotely   Hunting Sonar, the ARAS-2023 Diver Detection Sonar, the
            operated vehicles (ROVs), sonars, and underwater acous-  ORKUN-2053 Dipping Sonar, the MELİS-2071 Hull Mount-
            tic systems that utilise cutting-edge technology. ARMEL-  ed Anti-Submarine Warfare Sonar, the SoPeM – Sonar
            SAN, an enterprise with a global presence, offers bespoke   Performance Modelling Software, and the KASIF – Heavy
            solutions encompassing all aspects, including installation,   Work Class Remotely Operated Vehicle.
            commissioning, and extensive post-purchase assistance.   ARMELSAN, a notable entity in the energy and defence
            ARMELSAN endeavours to attain the status of a recognised   sectors, conscientiously conforms to international stan-
            authority on underwater acoustic systems. To accomplish   dards and provides products and services  that satisfy
            this, the organisation has curated a group of exceptional-  them. ARMELSAN’s steadfast dedication to excellence is
            ly proficient specialists who can fulfil our clients' rigorous   apparent in each stage of their manufacturing procedure,
            operational and technical  demands.  The headquarters   ensuring the highest quality and security standards. As a
            and R&D centre of ARMELSAN are in Teknopark, Istanbul,   systems provider for the Turkish Armed Forces and friend-
            a thriving centre for technology.              ly and allied nations, ARMELSAN has been accredited with
            ARMELSAN provides a wide array of products, which   ISO 9001, ISO 140001, and OHSAS 18001.
            encompass the following: the NUSRAT-1915 Mine

              KASIF- Heavy Work Class Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

                     ARAS-2023 Diver Detection Sonar                  ORKUN-2053 Dipping Sonar
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