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20                                   D EF EN S EH ER E  W O R L D D E F E N S E S H O W ( W D S ) 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


            SAR 127 MT AIR                                 vehicles. The rate of fire of the SAR 762 MT-D, which has
            SAR 127 MT Air is a version of the SAR 127 MT which is   features similar to the SAR 762 MT-B, can be controlled by
            entirely designed and developed by Sarsılmaz and charac-  its a three-position gas regulator. The latest version in the
            terized as Türkiye’s largest caliber weapon. SAR 127 MT   series, the “SAR 762 MT-E”, can be used onboard naval
            Air is developed and produced with local and national re-  platforms thanks to
            sources to be integrated into aircrafts, and was designed   its corrosion-resist-
            to provide powerful airborne firing support with range of   ant structure.
            up to 7 km and effective 1.8 km. This 12.7 x 99 millimeter
            caliber, NATO-standard gun is mounted on the Hürkuş-C   SAR 556 MT
            in a special pod developed by TR Mekatronik, which was   The SAR 556 light
            established in partnership with Sarsılmaz-TUSAŞ. SAR 127   machine gun, one
            MT Air incorporates higher shooting capacity compared   of  SARSILMAZ’s
            to the surface version thanks to its fixed barrel equipped   latest products, is
            with  rapid  cooling elements and lightened inner parts.   designed for use
            SAR 127 MT Air is capable of firing 900-1250 shots per mi-  by special forces
            nute (ammunition                               as well as infantry
            belt) feeding sys-                             squads in residen-
            tem.                                           tial areas. The SAR
                                                           556 light machine
            SAR 127 MT                                     gun, which uses
            The heavy machine                              NATO    standard
            gun SAR 127 MT,                                5.56 mm rounds,
            which is manufac-                              has the technical capabili-
            tured  to provide                              ties to meet requirements
            the strong fire support needed in the combat environ-  in  various  conditions,
            ment, has the ability to operate fully automatically and   whether on the front line
            fire one by one. The weapon can also be easily adapted to   or in residential areas.
            the structure of the remote controlled systems in which it
            is integrated or the position where it is placed, thanks to   A legend arises: SAR 15T
            the ammunition supply, which can be made from the right   SAR 15T, one of the latest
            or left. The effective range of SAR 127 MT series, which   models of Sarsılmaz, is a
            can be mounted on land, sea and air vehicles by making   100 percent locally pro-
            the necessary interface connections and weighs approx-  duced version of the AK-
            imately 38 kilo-                               47 platform, a legend in the field of military weapons.
            grams, can reach                               SAR 15T, whose receiver cover and upper and lower
            1.830m, while its                              forends have been modernized with Picatinny rails, is in
            maximum   range                                the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces.
            reaches 6.764 m.                               SAR 15T stands out as a much lighter infantry rifle while
                                                           featuring a modern design with its high-strength polymer
            SAR 762 MT                                     magazine, buttstock and forfend reinforced with steel
            The family of 7.62
            mm SAR 762 MT                                  parts.
            machine guns, all five versions of which were qualified at   With its 5-staged folding stock and superior performance
            the same time, entered the service of the Turkish Security   in all climatic conditions, the SAR 15T provides the user
            Forces and Armed Forces as well as the Special Forces   with a comfortable experience. With a 7.62x39 mm cali-
            Command. These guns can be integrated into remote-con-  ber, this legendary assault rifle offers single and serial fir-
            trolled gun turrets and 4x4 armored tactical vehicles.   ing options with a
            There are five different versions of the SAR 762 MT: A, B,   gas piston driven
            C,  D,  and  E.  The  SAR 762  MT-A  can be  used with  re-  system.
            mote-controlled weapon turrets. The SAR 762 MT-B is de-
            signed for use by the infantry and is mounted on a bipod
            or tripod. The SAR 762 MT-C is designed for use as a coax-
            ial machine gun on both wheeled and tracked armored
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