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8                                              D EF EN S EH ER E  D E F E N S E & S E C U R I T Y 2 0 2 3 E D I T I O N



            CANiK M3 Can Be Used in All
            In 2018, CANiK began development
            work on the 12.7 mm heavy machine
            gun and saw great success with
            the M2 QCB, which has a rate of
            fire of 600–650 rounds per minute.
            Following the M2 QCB, which
            became a game-changing firearm
            for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK),
            CANiK introduced M2F, an improved
            version with a higher rate of fire of
            900–950 rounds per minute. The
            success of the M2F fueled CANiK’s
            efforts to move to the next level
            and complete its product family.
            After nearly 2 years of development
            and qualification processes, M3                The U.S. Special Forces have started using this gun on
            was made a reality as the most advanced member of   land vehicles by adapting it to its requirements through
            the family. M3 can achieve a rate of fire of 1,100–1,200   the American manufacturers, due to its high firepower
            rounds per minute and has become an effective   and effective long-range capabilities. This development
            armament for not only air platforms but also for land   triggered us to develop the M3.”
            and naval platforms. Therefore, CANiK is the only   First CANiK M3 To Be Delivered in 2024
            brand that produces all variations of 12.7x99 mm heavy   Aral shared that they received feedback indicating that
            machine guns in the world.                     the M3 that debuted in IDEF 2023 in Istanbul would
            Aral explained the necessity of developing the M3 as   be filling a significant gap on the battlefield according
            follows: “In the past, the fast-firing version that is the
            M3 was only used in aircraft. As air platforms have
            much higher speeds compared to others, a machine
            gun to be used on such platforms
            must also have a high rate of fire
            for air-to-ground or air-to-air
            engagements. This is because the
            high maneuverability and speed of
            aircraft require the saturation of the target area with
            more projectiles, which can only be achieved with a high-
            rate-of-fire like the M3. However, in the last 10 years,
            we have seen that this high-rate-of-fire machine gun
            has also begun to be used on land and naval platforms.   to the end-users. He also emphasized that they have
                                                           received pre-orders for many projects. Aral mentioned
                                                           that the M3 would be used in numerous weapon
                                                           integration projects in friendly and allied countries and
                                                           would help integrators solve their problems. He stated,
                                                           “Especially in Southeast Asia and South America, there
                                                           are ready-to-go projects that have been waiting for
                                                           us to develop the M3 for a long time. Starting in 2024,
                                                           we will begin deliveries as part of these projects. This
                                                           situation will not only benefit CANiK but also open up
                                                           new opportunities for our other companies under the
                                                           SYS umbrella.”
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