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6                                              D EF EN S EH ER E  D E F E N S E & S E C U R I T Y 2 0 2 3 E D I T I O N



            Providing a wide range of products and services from
            design and development to production in every field
            that requires critical technologies such as Unmanned/
            Autonomous Systems, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
            Technologies, Space Technologies, Critical Facilities and
            Border Security Technologies, and Digital Healthcare
            Technologies thanks to our quarter-century high
            technological knowledge and expertise.
            Unmanned and Autonomous Systems, Hydrogen and Fuel
            Cell Technologies, Critical, Facility and Border Security
            Technologies, Space Technologies, Digital Healthcare
            Lentatek is a leading platform manufacturer specialising
            in the design, development, and production of
            Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (UAV). Lentatek can
            design and produce UAVs with different capabilities
            and features in accordance with customer needs
            and requirements thanks to their high technological
            knowledge and expertise gained in this field. In this
            context, all system/subsystem/software activities related
            to UAVs, from structural and aerodynamic design to
            autopilot systems, from the central control computer
            including ground control station and avionics design to
            all software developments and system production, are
            carried out by Lentatek on a completely national basis.
            Aside from Unmanned Aerial Systems, Lentatek has also   KARAYEL UAV System has novel triple redundant
            been operating in the field of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell   distributed avionics architecture, which ensures
            Technologies since 2014, which are being developed   protection against all kind of uncontrolled single point
            in only few countries around the world. During this   failure/crash.  Therefore, Lentatek has carried systematic
            period, collaborations have been carried out with the   fault safety used only in manned aviation in the world
            most respected universities of the country in this field,   until now to an unmanned aerial vehicle for the first time
            and many national and international projects have been   with KARAYEL. KARAYEL has lightning protection thanks
            involved. Lentatek has gained significant knowhow in   to the aluminum network grid on its composite structure.
            Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and stack development, and   ‘Pneumatic De-Icing System’ which automatically
            registered many patents and utility models. Lentatek   detects icing conditions and activates carries KARAYEL
            also published multiple national and international   one step further in terms of operations in critical
            publications on SOFC membrane production, SOFC cell,   climates.   KARAYEL, which is an aerial reconnaissance
            stack design, hydrogen production from sodium boron   and surveillance platform, can perform target pointing,
            hydride (SBH) and PEM fuel cells.              lighting and ammunition direction with day/night target
                                                           detection and identification by its EO/IR camera payload
            KARAYEL UAV System is an autonomous reconnaissance   system.
            and surveillance platform and KARAYEL Tactical UAV
            System designed to be compatible and manufactured in
            accordance with NATO ‘Airworthiness’ standard; STANAG
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