Embraer has successfully completed the initial structural fatigue tests of the wing for its New Technologies Demonstration Platform (PDNT). The project, a collaboration between Embraer, universities, and various industry partners, is supported by Brazil’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and Finep.
The PDNT innovation project focuses on research and development at low and medium Technology Readiness Levels (TRL). It is funded by the National Development, Scientific and Technological Funding (FNDCT). The initiative involves co-executors such as Alltec, Equatorial, Motora, and TecCer.
As part of the project’s first phase, unprecedented processes and methods were developed for use in ground test benches (RIGs). The composite wing’s reference model structure was subjected to progressive loads exceeding 200% of the expected limit.
The static loading test was conducted at ACS Aviation in São José dos Campos, Brazil, in partnership with Embraer. This test validated new processes, methodologies, and materials intended for the platform.
The next stages of the project involve the manufacturing of the flying laboratory’s fuselage and empennage. Brazilian research institutions, including the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), Mauá Institute of Technology (IMT), Institute of Technological Research (IPT), and the School of Engineering of São Carlos (USP), are also contributing to the research.