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4                                                   D EF EN S EH ER E  E UR O S A T O R Y  2 0 2 4  E D I T ION

            CAN K

          CANiK’s Success at EUROSATORY Fair and New Product   In particular, AEI Systems’ 30x113 mm low recoil cannon
          Introductions                                 VENOM LR and our 30x113 mm concept attracted the
          CANiK was the only private sector arms manufacturer to   attention of all modern armies, while our domestic TRA-
          rank among the top 10 Turkish defense companies in 2023.   KON TARGAN naval RCWS, integrated into our Hisar-class
          CANiK is the 5th largest company worldwide in terms of   national offshore patrol ships, was among the products
          small arms production, and accounts for 75% of Türkiye’s   that attracted great interest. In addition, TRAKON LITE,
          exports in this field.                        the most preferred RCWS of unmanned ground and naval
                                                        systems, received full marks from distinguished observers
          CANiK which is set to showcase its products at EUROSA-  and delegations.
          TORY, the world’s largest exhibition in its field, was the
          first arms manufacturer to simultaneously produce three   A closer look at the technical specifications reveals that
          different variations of the 12.7x99mm (.50cal) heavy ma-  medium-caliber  autocannons  firing  30x113mm  ammu-
          chine gun (CANiK M2QCB, CANiK M2F and CANiK M3).   nition produce much less recoil than larger guns firing
          With its fully robotic production capacity, CANiK produces   30mm ammunition (30x165mm and 30x173mm). Taking
          over 6.000 12.7x99mm heavy machine guns (HMG) annu-  advantage from this, the VENOM LR can be integrat-
                                                        ed into almost all land, naval and airborne platforms,
          ally, making it the company with the largest such capacity   seamlessly integrating with lightweight compact turrets,
          globally.                                     remotely operated systems and crew-served weapon sta-
                                                        tions. Besides, the adaptability of the 30x113 mm rounds
          In 2022, Samsun Yurt Savunma (SYS Group), of which CAN-  to evolving ammunition and fuse technologies allows this
          iK is a part, invested in AEI Systems, a well-established me-  gun to provide the necessary firepower for small tactical
          dium caliber cannon manufacturer based in the U.K. Thus,   units on the modern battlefield, especially against drones,
          it introduced the 30x113mm VENOM LR, known as the   light armored vehicles and personnel behind cover.
          world’s lowest recoil medium caliber gun, to all modern
          armies at EUROSATORY 2023.                    In terms of equipping military vehicles, the VENOM LR
                                                        bridges the capability gap between 12.7 mm HMGs and
          TRAKON, TRAKON LITE and TRAKON TARGAN, the TRA-  larger caliber autocannons, and stands out as the world’s
          KON series of remotely controlled weapon systems (RCWS)   most integrable 12.7 mm weapon with superior features.
          family developed by UNIROBOTICS, a group company, and
          produced entirely with domestic resources within Türkiye,   We are proud to share these achievements with you and be-
          have already been included in the CANiK ecosystem.  lieve that we will achieve even greater successes in the future.
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