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10                                                   D EF EN S EH ER E  E UR O S A T O R Y  2 0 2 4  E D I T ION


          Super Mushshak and Our Achievements
          in the Defense Industry
          Established in 2019, Gürbüz Trade plays
          a pivotal role in providing parts and ser-
          vices to various institutions within the
          Republic of Türkiye. Our company op-
          erates across aviation, energy, defense
          industry, and trade sectors, fostering
          business relationships with organiza-
          tions including the land, air, and naval
          forces, gendarmerie,  coast guard  com-
          mand, General Directorate of Security,
          and the Turkish Aeronautical Associa-
          tion. Moreover, our company has ob-
          tained regional maintenance, repair
          and operations (MRO) authorization for
          the post-warranty maintenance, repair,
          and parts supply of Super Mushshak air-
          craft in Türkiye and Azerbaijan.
          Durable Ballistic Protective Equipment with Boron Carbide  Our International Footprint
          As Gürbüz Trade, we closely follow the developments in   At Gürbüz Trade, our reach extends beyond Türkiye’s bor-
          the defense industry and add new technologies to our   ders, firmly establishing our presence on the global stage.
          product portfolio. In line with this commitment, we of-  We are making a name for ourselves in the global arena
          fer a comprehensive selection of ballistic protective plates   with our business development operations in the United
          crafted from boron carbide. Our range extends to include   Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt. This year, we participated
          floating ballistic protective vests and bomb disposal suits.   in the defense industry fairs held in Saudi Arabia and Ma-
          This equipment offers maximum protection while provid-  laysia, and we will also participate in the defense industry
          ing operational flexibility. We also ensure the safety of   fair to be held in Pakistan. At this fair, which we will attend
          our users with ballistic protective goggles and other pro-  with the Defense and Aerospace Industry Exporters’ Asso-
          tective gear. Besides, we can also provide customized solu-  ciation, we will support our national technology moves.
          tions and raw materials to suit diverse needs.
                                                             Our Vision for the Future
                                                             Gürbüz Trade transcends its role as a mere supplier,
                                                             solidifying its position in the sector through the tai-
                                                             lored solutions it provides to its customers. The com-
                                                             pany maintains its infrastructure for production and
                                                             research and development (R&D) activities and close-
                                                             ly follows the developments in the sector. Strength-
                                                             ening our aviation parts manufacturing capabilities,
                                                             we extend support to our partners producing for
                                                             Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ), while striving to enhance
                                                             our collaboration with Airbus. With a proven track
                                                             record of success, business ethics and vision, we aim
                                                             to continue our upward trajectory into the future.
                                                             Committed to delivering innovative solutions within
                                                             the defense industry, Gürbüz Trade will persist in bol-
                                                             stering its presence in global markets while contrib-
                                                             uting to Türkiye’s national technology agenda.
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