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           DSA 2024 EDITION

                                                        Defensehere is an online defense industry media platform
          Editor in Chief  Muhammed Ali Akman           that publishes in 6 languages: English, Arabic, Turkish,
          Editorial Manager  Bülent Elmalı              French, Russian, and Ukrainian.
          Coordination  Yousef Elganzoury
          Design & Artwork  Osman Gök                   Defensehere Magazine is not a periodical, it is published
                                                        exclusively for trade fairs.  Each issue is prepared in two
          Correspondents  Yasemin Akman                 languages, one in English and the other in the language
                        Meriç Yurt                      of the country where the fair is held. This magazine is
                        Ahmed Adam                      distributed to the stands of all companies participating in
                        Elnura Mariye Kabaş             the fair and given to the civilian and military delegations
                        Alaattin Doğru                  coming to the fair.
                        Burak Tekeş                     The digital format of Defensehere magazine, which aims
                        Levent Uğurlu                   to contribute to the business development and marketing
                        Betül Bal                       of defense industry companies, is also sent to more
                                                        than 5000 defense industry employees in more than 50
          Publisher     Eddifa Medya                    countries by e-mail.
                        İletişim Organizasyon
                        SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.             Defensehere ialah sebuah platform media industri per-
                                                        tahanan atas talian yang diterbitkan dalam 6 bahasa: Ba-

          Issue         8                               hasa Inggeris, Arab, Turkiye, Perancis Rusia dan Ukrain.
          Year          2                               Majalah Defensehere bukan berkala, ia diterbitkan se-
          Release Date  May 2024                        cara eksklusif untuk pameran perdagangan  Setiap isu di-
                                                        terbitkan dalam dua bahasa, satu dalam bahasa Ingger-
          Defensehere Magazine is published by  is dan satu lagi dalam bahasa negara di mana pameran
          The views published are not necessarily those of the   tersebut di adakan. Majalah ini kemudiannya di edarkan
          Publisher or Editor.
                                                        kepada semua syarikat yang menyertai pameran terse-
          DEFENSEHERE                                   but serta kepada orang ramai dan delegasi ketenteraan
          Mobile        0090 541 849 8802               yang mengunjunginya.
          Land          0090 312 354 9902               Majalah Defensehere dalam format digital, yang diedar-
          Mail   kan sebagai usaha-usaha pembangunan perniagaan dan
          Adress        Ostim OSB Mahallesi,            pemasaran bagi syarikat-syarikat industri pertahanan,
                        100. Yıl Bulvarı,               juga di hantar melalui e-mel kepada lebih daripada 5000
                        No:55, B Blok/36,               pekerja dalam industri pertahanan di lebih daripada 50
                        Yenimahalle/Ankara-Türkiye      buah negara.

             C O NTE NT

           2 SSI           6 REPKON       10 GÜRBÜZ       16 SDT         22 FLY BVLOS
           3 ASELSAN       7 DAMEN        12 NESA         18 ALTINAY     23 İGEFW
           4 FNSS          8 TEI          14 ROBİT        20 MBDA        24 INTERVIEWS
                                                                         26 MALAYSIA
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