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4                                                        D EF EN S EH ER E  D I M D E X 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


          As TİTRA, we offer advanced solu-            tions to meet the changing needs of the defense
          and aerospace industry with our                    expertise in unmanned systems. We attach
          importance to our R&D activities to                         offer a wide range of high perfor-
          mance, durable and globally compet-                              itive produvcts in the fields
          of Fixed and Rotary Wing Platforms,                                     Swarm Unmanned
          Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Systems and                                               Unmanned
          Systems for Reconnaissance and Surveillance.

          ALPİN, Turkey’s first unmanned helicopter, is de-                         signed to fly to
          predefined points and fulfill all missions completely. As                   a high-perfor-
          mance and versatile UAV with payload carrying capac-                        ity, long hover
          time, improved fuel tank and autonomous flight fea-                         ture; it offers
          solutions for both military and civilian sectors. ALPİN                     can take off/
          land vertically with a single button, can fulfill assigned                missions automat-
          ically and can carry 200 kg payload including fuel. ALPİN is          indispensable for mis-
          sions in complex terrains where there are no airfields or runways.   Furthermore, as a VTOL
          system, it does not require prepared space or supporting launch or recovery equipment.

                                                        DELİ Tactical Kamikaze  performs critical tasks
                                                       such as target detection, target destruction, ob-
                                                               taining target location, photo, and video
                                                                     information, and increases the suc-
                                                                       cess rate of operations thanks to
                         its small size and silent engine              feature. Our hand-held fixed-
                 wing small UAV, which has the capacity to search     and classify targets with artificial
          intelligence, can perform missions fully autonomously, and we can fly it as a swarm when necessary.
          The DELİ Swarm can make decisions independently of the leader, act in coordination within the
                                                         swarm, share tasks, detect, and destroy targets.

          PARS Scout UAV is a highly capable Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) designed for both military and
          commercial applications, providing precision intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) with
          minimal radar visibility. PARS provides a very quiet operational ex-  perience. With  its optimized
          flight mode, PARS can fly for up to 4 hours. Thanks to its user-friend-  ly GCS and autonomous flight
          and land-            ing mode, PARS is very easy to operate.   PARS UAV  provides fast and
          easy  access              to areas that are difficult to access   by land or sea, while collecting
          real-time  infor-                 mation and enables                 operational decisions to
          be made quickly  and                                                            accurately.
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