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          D EF EN S EH ER E  I W A O U T D O O R C L A S S I C S 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N

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          SAR 127 MT                                    SAR 762 MT
          The heavy machine gun SAR 127 MT, which is manufac-  The family of 7.62 mm SAR 762 MT machine guns, all five
          tured  to provide the strong fire support needed in the   versions of which were qualified at the same time, entered
          combat environment, has the ability to operate fully au-  the service of the Turkish Security Forces and Armed Forc-
          tomatically and fire one by one.              es as well as the Special Forces Command. These guns can
                                                        be integrated into remote-controlled gun turrets and 4x4
                                                        armored tactical vehicles. There are five different versions
          The weapon can also be easily adapted to the structure   of the SAR 762 MT: A, B, C, D, and E. The SAR 762 MT-A
          of the remote controlled systems in which it is integrated   can be used with remote-controlled weapon turrets. The
          or the position where it is placed, thanks to the ammu-  SAR 762 MT-B is designed for use by the infantry and is
          nition supply, which can be made from the right or left.
                                                        mounted on a bipod or tripod. The SAR 762 MT-C is de-
                                                        signed for use as a coaxial machine gun on both wheeled
          The effective range of SAR 127 MT series, which can be   and tracked armored vehicles. The rate of fire of the SAR
          mounted on land, sea and air vehicles by making the nec-  762 MT-D, which has features similar to the SAR 762 MT-
          essary interface connections and weighs approximate-  B, can be controlled by its a three-position gas regulator.
          ly 38 kilograms, can reach 1.830m, while its maximum   The latest version in the series, the “SAR 762 MT-E”, can be
          range reaches 6.764 m.                        used onboard naval platforms thanks to its corrosion-re-
                                                        sistant structure.

                                                        Caliber: 7.62x51 mm
                                                        Accuracy life: 25000 rounds
                                                        Effective range: 800m
                                                        Maximum range: 3725m

          Caliber: 12.7x99 mm (50 QCB)
          Bullet Capacity: Ammunition Belt
          Unloaded Weapon Weight: 38100 gr
          Rate of Fire: 600 shots/min
          Muzzle Velocity: 930m/s (±50mm)
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