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6 D EF EN S EH ER E W O R L D D E F E N S E S H O W ( W D S ) 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N
HENSOLDT is a pioneer in sensor solutions across all do-
mains: land, sea, air, and space, including the cyber-pro-
tection domain. HENSOLDT is a global company with Eu-
ropean and South-African roots offering state of the art
solutions tailored to our customer needs.
HENSOLDT has long-standing partnership with the King-
dom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), expanded on the know-how
and technologies of the EADS/Airbus Group. Being strong-
ly future-oriented, HENSOLDT supports KSA’s Vision 2030
to establish a cutting-edge telecommunications and de-
fense environment. As such, HENSOLDT Middle East, lo-
cated in KSA, directly employs Saudi citizens, and contrib-
utes to the knowledge transfer, technology development system, tactical DL500 datalink fitted for UAV. Crypto
and skills enhancement in the Saudi industrial ecosystem. computer Mode 5 NATO compliant in line with inter-
At HENDSOLDT we optimize our in-country technical and national standards.
logistic support services, ensuring timely and efficient as- • Radar solutions: The new Quadome surface and sur-
sistance to our customers. To support our customers timely veillance radar allow off-shore patrol vessels (OPVs) to
and efficiently across the world, we constantly expand our form part of a scalable network of naval sensors for
global service infrastructure. With a heritage of installing navy or coast-guard forces.
and maintaining large-scale systems in the Kingdom over • Naval surveillance defense: An affordable combat
several decades, HENSOLDT's system engineers bring un- management system to manage critical sensors and
paralleled expertise in logistics and system installations to effectors, LYNCEA in service within French Navy and
the region. a customer in the region will be presented fully inte-
Collaboration with key local entities, such as the Saudi Ara- grated with the HENSOLDT sensors.
bian Communication, Space and Technology Commission, • Infrastructure and border protection: Since the last
General Authority for Military Industries (GAMI), General WDS, global needs in detection, reconnaissance iden-
Authority for Defense Development (GADD) and Ministry tification (DRI) has increased. HENSOLDT will present
of Defense is a testament to HENSOLDT’s commitment to the new Bushbaby 100 for land-based optronics. In ad-
supporting KSA’s journey towards self-reliance and tech- dition, the ASTUS UAV will be promoted for advanced
nological readiness in the defense industry. aerial surveillance.
WDS is aligned with HENSOLDT’s vision to pioneer defense
and security innovation and to be “equipped for tomor-
row.” WDS provides an unparalleled platform for HEN-
SOLDT to focus not only on the global market, but also
on the strategic Middle East region. WDS serves as a valu-
able meeting place with our long-standing partners in the
region and to promote our integrated solutions that ‘de-
tect’ threats and enable our customers to ‘protect’ against
them for a safer world.
At WDS 2024, HENSOLDT will present sensor solutions in
spectrum dominance, optronics, radar, security, and spec-
trum management – across land, sea, and air.
• Spectrum dominance and electronic warfare: HEN-
SOLDT is the leading supplier of electronic warfare
technologies in the region and will be highlighting the
GMJ9 force protection jammer and the SAS2000 for
signals intelligence and situational awareness.
• Airborne solutions: Sensors and mission system solu-
tions with our optronics ARGOS family, ARGOSIA ISR