Page 33 - 5.Sayı
P. 33

          2024  يملاعلا  عافدلا  ضرعم  ةخسن  ريه  سنفيد

          authority for the law, and administers the procurement
          portal, Etimad, which serves as a centralized repository for
          all government tenders. Although entry points into the
          defense sector exist via various portals, the government
          by-laws aim to establish GAMI as the central point of de-
          fense article procurements.
          The companies should be aware that the new localization
          requirements are onerous and unlike the previous “off-
          set” program that was often established upfront as a fu-
          ture cost. Localization requirements must now be agreed
          to up front.
          Defense companies who wish to establish a defense man-
          ufacturing presence or a service company in Saudi Arabia
          must obtain the required licenses from GAMI. However,
          most companies elect to have a local partner or establish
          a joint venture. One of the challenges foreign firms face
          when doing business in Saudi Arabia is the legal prohi-  Another path for entry into the defense sector is via joint
          bition on paying commission fees to agents for the sale   venture company with a Saudi partner. SAMI is the lead
          of military equipment to Saudi Government agencies.     government agency for  the  establishment of joint ven-
          However, the companies can engage a local Saudi Arabian   tures. Recent joint ventures entailed the local partner fo-
          agent and comply with this law by offering such agents   cusing on business development and winning government
          payment of success fees comprised of fixed onetime pay-  contracts while the foreign partner manufacturer estab-
          ments each time a contract is awarded, or by hiring the   lished production lines.
          agent as an employee.                         The Saudi Government is pushing foreign investors to
                                                        form a local LLC or other business organization in Saudi
                                                        Arabia with a Saudi partner as a condition to winning
                                                        government  contracts and requires  foreign  companies
                                                        to publish an industrial development plan that fulfills lo-
                                                        calization requirements.  In many cases, GAMI and SAMI
                                                        provide a list of terms that they wish to see incorporat-
                                                        ed in the articles of association of locally formed entities.
                                                        Companies should be aware that the Ministry of Invest-
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