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12                                   D EF EN S EH ER E  W O R L D D E F E N S E S H O W ( W D S ) 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N

               CAN K

            VENOM 30 LR: from the Legendary Aircraft Gun to the
            Basic Armament of the Future Ground and Naval Vehicles
            The Samsun Yurt Savunma (SYS)  group of companies in-
            cluding CANiK, made a significant investment in the man-
            ufacturing of low recoil 30x113mm cannons critical for
            naval, land-based, and aerial platforms by acquiring the
            well-established UK-based AEI Systems in 2022, a leading
            company in the production of medium-caliber cannons.

                                                           VENOM 30 LR: An Ideal Solution for RCWS
                                                           The exceptional dimensions, weight and recoil of the guns
                                                           in this caliber, combined with the capabilities of new am-
                                                           munition technologies on the one hand and the miniatur-
                                                           ization and increased precision of remote weapon stations
                                                           on the other, make these weapons an ideal solution for ev-
                                                           er-shrinking remote-controlled weapon systems (RCWS).
                                                           Cannon systems using 30x113 mm ammunition will com-
                                                           plement the venerable .50 caliber HMG and 40mm auto-
            A System Standing Ever More Proudly as Platforms and   matic grenade launcher combination, the backbone of
            Needs Evolve                                   firepower given to mechanized and light infantry units
            AEI Systems introduces its groundbreaking 30x113mm me-  (including special forces), or perhaps even completely re-
            dium caliber cannon, poised to redefine defense capabili-  place it.
            ties across naval, land, and air platforms. Engineered with
            precision and versatility in mind, this cannon represents a   A Weapon System Shaped by Battlefield Experience
            paradigm shift in modern warfare.              Contemporary warfare, as seen in the Russian aggression
            Key Advantages:                                against Ukraine, highlighted the intense firepower needs
                                                           of special forces, reconnaissance elements, and light in-
            •  Multi-Platform Integration: Designed to seamlessly in-  fantry units. Resulting demands to arm APCs and recon-
               tegrate across diverse platforms, including naval ves-  naissance vehicles with more effective weapons led land
               sels, ground-based vehicles, and airborne platforms,   platform producers to experiment with 30x113 mm can-
               the AEI Systems’ 30x113mm cannon offers unparal-  non and turret systems on their vehicles. In light of the
               leled adaptability in defense operations.   experiences in Ukraine, Abrams X and E-MBT have been
            •  Precision Engineering: With a focus on precision engi-  designed with a 30x113 RCWS for the hemispherical close-
               neering and advanced materials, AEI Systems ensures   in defense of the tank against land and air targets. Fur-
               optimal performance and durability, guaranteeing re-  thermore, armed UGV concepts to provide the required
               liability in even the most demanding combat environ-  firepower to light infantry units emerged. A major exam-
               ments.                                      ple of which is KAPGAN UGV, developed by HAVELSAN.
            •  Enhanced Control and Accuracy: Equipped with a low   KAPGAN utilizes VENOM LR 30 30x113 mm cannon from
               recoil mechanism, the 30x113mm cannon delivers en-  SYS subsidiary AEI Systems and TRAKON 30 RCWS from
               hanced control and pinpoint accuracy, empowering   another SYS subsidiary, UNIROBOTICS, and the UGV is cur-
               defense forces to effectively engage targets with pre-  rently undergoing intense testing and evaluation process-
               cision.                                     es.
            •  Versatile Deployment: From maritime security patrols
               to ground-based defense and aerial combat missions,
               AEI Systems’ cannon provides versatile deployment
               options, meeting the diverse needs of modern defense
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