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2                                      D EF EN S EH ER E  E G Y P T D E F E N C E E X P O ( E D E X ) 2 0 2 3 E D I T I O N



               After just Four Years, the UAE’s EDGE Group is
               Already a Global Force in Defence

                                                           EDGE Group is marking four years of stellar growth as
                                                           one of the world’s fastest growing advanced technology
                                                           and defence conglomerates, boasting an impressive
                                                           portfolio of 160 innovative systems and solutions - a
                                                           major accomplishment in a relatively short timeframe,
                                                           and a global footprint that covers over 50 countries
                                                           across five continents. EDGE is aggressively pursuing its
                                                           product development roadmap and is fast becoming
                                                           a partner of choice in the domains of autonomous
                                                           systems, smart weapons, electronic warfare and secure
                                                           A major focus of EDGE’s expansion has been the
                                                           development of symbiotic relationships across its
                                                           global supply chain as it reinforces its position as the
            Launched in November 2019, the UAE’s EDGE is one   main economic driver and contributor within the UAE’s
            of the world’s leading advanced technology groups,   maturing defence ecosystem, while it taps into those
            established to develop agile, bold and disruptive   provided by its international partners. A large portion
            solutions for defence and beyond, and to be a catalyst   of the group’s robust growth strategy is anchored in
            for change and transformation. It is dedicated to   its acquisitions of highly-specialised defence companies
            bringing breakthrough innovations, products, and   and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which
            services to market with greater speed and efficiency,   complement the established capabilities within EDGE,
            to position the UAE as a leading global hub for future   allowing it to continuously grow and transform based on
            industries, and to creating clear paths within the sector   the requirements of its customers, which today include
            for the next generation of highly-skilled talent to thrive.   the armed forces of several nations around the world.
            With a focus on the adoption of 4IR technologies,   Over the last two years, EDGE has completed acquisitions
            EDGE is driving the development of sovereign   of 12 successful companies, many of which specialise
            capabilities for global export and for the preservation   in the development and production of autonomous
            of national security, working with front-line operators,   air, land, and sea systems, including Estonia-based
            international partners, and adopting advanced   Milrem Robotics, Brazil-based SIATT, Poland-based
            technologies such as autonomous capabilities, cyber-  FLARIS, and Switzerland-based ANAVIA.
            physical systems, advanced propulsion systems, robotics   To date, EDGE has introduced 160 products to its
            and smart materials. EDGE converges R&D, emerging   expanding portfolio, including 55 solutions to its missiles
            technologies, digital transformation, and commercial   and weapons capabilities; 60 platforms and systems;
            market innovations with military capabilities to develop   and 45 solutions to its electronic warfare, and cyber
            disruptive solutions tailored to the specific requirements   technologies portfolios combined, in addition to its
            of its customers. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, capital   training and trading services. The group has signed
            of the UAE, EDGE consolidates more than 25 entities   over 200 major local and international contracts for its
            into five core clusters: Platforms & Systems, Missiles &   defence technology systems and solutions.
            Weapons, Space & Cyber Technologies, Trading & Mission
            Support, and Homeland Security.                For more information, visit
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