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               MACHINE GUN FAMILY

            SAR 127 MT AIR                                 SAR 762 MT
            SAR 127 MT Air is a version of the SAR 127 MT which is   The family of 7.62 mm SAR 762 MT machine guns, all five
            entirely designed and developed by Sarsılmaz and   versions of which were qualified at the same time,
            characterized as Türkiye’s largest caliber weapon. SAR   entered the service of the Turkish Security Forces and
            127 MT Air is developed and produced with local and   Armed Forces as well as the Special Forces Command.
            national resources to be integrated into aircrafts, and   These guns can be integrated into remote-controlled
            was designed to provide powerful airborne firing   gun turrets and 4x4 armored tactical vehicles. There are
            support with range of up to 7 km and effective 1.8 km.   five different versions of the SAR 762 MT: A, B, C, D, and
            This 12.7 x 99 millimeter caliber, NATO-standard gun is   E. The SAR 762 MT-A can be used with remote-controlled
            mounted on the Hürkuş-C in a special pod developed by   weapon turrets. The SAR 762 MT-B is designed for use by
            TR Mekatronik, which was established in partnership   the infantry and is mounted on a bipod or tripod. The
            with Sarsılmaz-TUSAŞ. SAR 127 MT Air incorporates   SAR 762 MT-C is designed for use as a coaxial machine
            higher shooting capacity compared to the surface version   gun on both wheeled and tracked armored vehicles. The
            thanks to its fixed barrel equipped with rapid cooling   rate of fire of the SAR 762 MT-D, which has features
            elements and lightened inner parts. SAR 127 MT Air is   similar to the SAR 762 MT-B, can be controlled by its a
            capable of firing                              three-position gas
            900-1250 shots per                             regulator. The latest
            minute                                         version in the series,
            (ammunition belt)                              the “SAR 762 MT-E”,
            feeding system.                                can be used onboard
                                                           naval platforms
            Caliber: 12.7x99 mm                            thanks to its
            Firing Mode: Full Auto                         corrosion-resistant
            Muzzle Velocity: 890 m/s
            Total Length: 1610 mm (63.3”)                  structure.
            Unloaded Weapon Weight: 33000 gr
                                                           Caliber: 7.62x51 mm
                                                           Accuracy life: 25000 rounds
                                                           Effective range: 800m
                                                           Maximum range: 3725m
            SAR 127 MT
            The heavy machine gun SAR 127 MT, which is     SAR 556 MT
            manufactured  to provide the strong fire support   The SAR 556 light
            needed in the combat environment, has the ability to   machine gun, one
            operate fully automatically and fire one by one. The   of SARSILMAZ’s latest products, is designed for use by
            weapon can also be easily adapted to the structure of   special forces as well as infantry squads in residential
            the remote controlled systems in which it is integrated   areas. The SAR 556 light
            or the position where it is placed, thanks to the   machine gun, which uses
            ammunition supply, which can be made from the   NATO standard 5.56 mm
            right or left. The effective range of SAR 127 MT series,   rounds, has the technical
            which can be mounted on land, sea and air vehicles by   capabilities to meet
            making the necessary interface connections and weighs   requirements in various
            approximately 38 kilograms, can reach 1.830m, while its   conditions, whether
            maximum range reaches 6.764 m.                 on the front line or in
                                                           residential areas.
            Caliber: 12.7x99 mm (50 QCB)
            Bullet Capacity: Ammunition Belt               Caliber: 5.56x45 mm
            Unloaded Weapon Weight: 38100 gr               Firing Mode: Safe, Single,
            Rate of Fire: 600 shots/min                    Serial Shot
            Muzzle Velocity: 930m/s (±50mm)                Effective range: 600 – 1000m
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