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24                                                 D EF EN S EH ER E  D E F E N S E & S E C U R I T Y 2 0 2 3 E D I T I O N


                                                           are moving towards a greater emphasis on deterring
                                                           external threats, while continuing their longstanding
                                                           internal-security role, particularly in the country’s far
                                                           south, where a Malay-nationalist insurgency continues.
                                                           The Vision 2026 defence-modernisation plan, approved
                                                           by the defence council in October 2017, outlined the
                                                           armed forces’ planned capability improvements for the
                                                           following decade. Thailand is classed as a major non-
                                                           NATO ally by the US, but it has also developed closer
                                                           defence ties with China since 2014. The armed forces
                                                           regularly take part in international military exercises,
                                                           notably the multinational annual Cobra Gold series
                                                           with the US and some of its allies and security partners.
                                                           Personnel continue to be deployed to the UNMISS
            naval acquisitions director- general Rear Admiral Apichai   mission in South Sudan. The military-modernisation
            Sompolgrunk said in April that, though it was too early   effort includes development of a submarine capability,
            to talk of cancelling the contract, only the Yuan-class   as well as the strengthening of anti-submarine-warfare
            boat was acceptable. In August 2022, it was reported   capability and procurement of new surface ships. The
            that the China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co.   armoured-vehicle fleet has been recapitalized with
            was offering replacement engines.              deliveries from China and Ukraine. Saab 340 AEW&C
            Thailand’s air force also faced re-equipment challenges.   aircraft, Gripen combat aircraft and a new command-
            In January 2023, the Cabinet approved in principle a   and-control system have improved air capability. In
            plan to acquire four F-35As in FY2023, to be followed   January 2020, the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) issued
            by a further four of the same type. However, in August   a White Paper which detailed further acquisition and
            2023 objections from Thailand’s House Budget Scrutiny   upgrade requirements through the 2020s, including
            Committee, in light of the country’s economic downturn,   fighters, tactical-transport and VIP aircraft. The RTAF
            cut initial proposed procurement to two aircraft.   launched a space-operations centre in August 2019,
            Another potential impediment was that the purchase   a priority identified in the National Strategy 2018–37
            needed approval from the US government: some analysts   development programme. Under its Defence Industry
            thought this might not be granted because of Thailand’s   Masterplan, the government indicates that expanding
            close defence relations with China and the information-  Thailand’s presently limited defence sector could be
            security requirements associated with the sale of the   an important way to develop military capability and
            F-35.                                          improve self- reliance.
            Economic weakness and the Tatmadaw’s preoccupation   ARMY
            with internal-security threats meant that efforts to   ACTIVE 360,850 (Army 245,000 Navy 69,850 Air 46,000)
            improve conventional military capabilities were no   Gendarmerie & Paramilitary 93,700
            longer prioritised to the extent they had been before
            the February 2021 military coup. Until early 2022,   Conscription liability 24 months
            the country’s main military-equipment suppliers had   RESERVE 200,000 Gendarmerie & Paramilitary 45,000
            been Russia and Ukraine, and the war in Ukraine and
            international sanctions have raised questions over the
            durability of these supplier relationships and where
            else Myanmar might look for its defence equipment.
            Although the Tatmadaw has a long-standing aversion
            to overly heavy reliance on Beijing, in December 2021
            Myanmar’s navy took delivery of an ex-PLAN Type-035B
            (Ming) submarine from China. And reports indicated that
            Myanmar was strengthening its military relations with
            North Korea, though it was unclear what the implications
            might be in terms of equipment supplies. Nonetheless,
            there were reports in September that Myanmar was to
            receive Su-30SM combat aircraft from Russia, under a
            2018 contract.
            Thailand has large, well-funded armed forces and its
            air force is one of the best equipped and trained in
            Southeast Asia. Facing an increasingly unstable regional-  SOURCE: THE MILITARY BALANCE 2023 – CIA THE
            security environment, the Royal Thai Armed Forces   WORLD FACTBOOK – STATISTA – JANES - IMF
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