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          D EF EN S EH ER E  I D E F  2 02 3  E D I T I O N                                         3

          TİTRA                                                                TİTRA’yı Salon 12’de,   Hall 12 - Booth
                                                                                             Visit TİTRA in
                                                                               1230 numaralı stantta
                                                                               ziyaret edebilirsiniz.  1230
          TİTRA, which continues to present new and effective solutions to
          modern battlefields, has taken its place at IDEF23 with its unique
          solutions in the unmanned systems space.

                                                        In addition to its silent operational experience, thanks to
                                                        its optimized flight mode PARS is able to remain in the air
                                                        for long periods and is controlled through its user-friendly
                                                        Ground Control Station (GCS). Furthermore, it is very
                                                        simple to use its autonomous flight and landing modes.
                                                        The PARS Surveillance UAV presents a perfect solution
                                                        to meet the needs of ISR operations with difficult
                                                        requirements. Its striking features such as its 4-hour
                                                        flight time, cruise speed of 50km/hour and altitude of
                                                        1600+ feet have drawn attention. Additionally, its takeoff
                                                        weight of only 11.4kg ensures ease of use.
                                                        The PARS Surveillance UHA plays an important role in
                                                        the security and defense space. It can be used in border
          Alongside its successful complete of detonation testing of   security, antiterrorism, crime prevention and detection
          the DELİ Kamikaze UAV that it introduced last October,   missions. Thanks to its high definition cameras and
          TİTRA, which made a name for itself with the ALPİN   thermal scanning systems it can monitor critical areas,
          Unmanned Helicopter, took an important step in the   scan dangerous regions and aid in rapid responses by
          defense sector by adding the PARS surveillance UAV to its   providing real time information. It can also be used
          product portfolio.                            effectively in missions such as observation during forest
          Türkiye’s highly talented and mission-oriented DELİ   fires, natural disasters and for environmental and
          Kamikaze UAV: The modular Kamikaze UAV was    agricultural field surveillance. PARS can quickly scan a
          developed with a focus on the needs of military and   wide area and gather and analyze data.
          defense units, and mobile stations. It can conduct a   By quickly and easily providing access to regions that are
          number of important duties including target detection   difficult to reach via land or sea, the PARS Surveillance
          and destruction, as well as information gathering,   UAV can gather real-time information and aid in making
          including photograph, video and location information.  quick and correct operational decisions. Features such
          DELİ has the capability to approach targets in a quick   as its economic flight mode, silent flight capability,
         and precise manner, with a maximum speed of 180   responsive navigation system, user friendly ground
         kilometers, a maximum altitude of 3,500 meters and an   control system, reinforced body and safe landing, and
         operational altitude of 150-500 meters. Additionally, it   autonomous navigation and landing make PARS a
         increases security levels and minimizes enemy detection   dependable and flexible intelligence, surveillance and
         and interference with its anti-jamming systems. With   target detection platform.
         these characteristics, DELİ aids in effective concealment   The PARS Surveillance UHA that will be introduced at IDEF
         from enemy radars.                             is once more putting the strength of the Turkish defense
         The DELİ Kamikaze UAV proved its success once more   industry, and presenting a new generation solution in the
         in detonation testing conducted at the end of June in   field of sensitive intelligence and surveillance.
         Karapınar, Konya. It successfully completed suicide dives   The highly skilled and mission-oriented DELİ and PARS
         against predetermined targets through use of its arms   developed by TİTRA will bring a new advantage to
         and fuse system. The positive results from these tests   the Turkish Armed Forces and further strengthen the
         proved that the Kamikaze UAV was ready for duty.  country’s security.
         A New Generation Solution for Precise Detection and
         Monitoring: PARS Surveillance UAV
         TİTRA is drawing attention once again for the PARS
         Surveillance UAV that it will introduce at IDEF. The PARS
         Surveillance UAV was designed for both military and
         commercial applications, and is a highly skilled Unmanned
         Aerial Vehicle with minimum radar visibility and precise
         Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
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