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          NAVANTIA                                                            Navanta’yı Salon 8’de,   in Hall 8 - Booth
                                                                                            Visit Navantia
                                                                              838B numaralı stantta
                                                                               ziyaret edebilirsiniz.  838B
          Navantia “Integrated Platform   these systems, allowing the ship’s
          Management System” (IPMS)       crew to quickly identify and rectify
          is a cutting-edge system which   any faults or malfunctions. As well,
          integrates various shipboard systems   includes intelligent alarm systems and
          and provides centralized control,   fault diagnostics capabilities, enabling
          monitoring, and operation of a   rapid response and minimizing
          vessel’s critical systems. With its   downtime.
          proven track record in delivering last   One of its key advantages is its
          generation IPMS solutions for various   advanced automation capabilities.
          naval platforms worldwide, Navantia   It can be programmed to automate
          IPMS is designed to enhance the   routine tasks and processes, reducing
          operational capabilities and safety
          of naval platforms and holds great   the workload on the ship’s crew,
          potential for the future of Tükiye ‘s   and allowing them to focus on more
          naval capabilities.             critical operations.
                                          Navantia IPMS for the TGC Anadolu
          TGC Anadolu IPMS serves as the nerve
          centre of the Turkish ship, providing   includes an on-board simulator
          real-time monitoring, control, and   for the training of the crew in the
          automation of critical onboard   operation and maintenance of the
          systems. Developed by Navantia,   equipment and systems that make up
          offers a comprehensive and efficient   the platform, the On-Board training
          solution for managing and controlling   System (OBTS).
          various onboard systems.        The IPMS and OBTS systems may
          The IPMS includes a wide range of   coexist and work concurrently on
          functionality managing almost 60.000   the ship and IPMS consoles. OBTS
          platform signals, covering areas such   reuses the HMI, thus the trainee will
          as propulsion, electrical systems,   basically make use of identical tools in
          auxiliary systems, fire detection   the simulated and real environments.   Visit us at stand 838B
          and suppression, damage control,   Hence, as for a simulated training, the
          and environmental control.  IPMS   simulator might be classified as a live
          provides real-time monitoring of   and high-fidelity simulator.   Sin título-1   1    12/07/2023   12:38:58
                                                                                                12/07/2023   12:38:58
                                                                           Sin título-1   1

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