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24 D EF EN S EH ER E E G Y P T A I R S H O W 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N
cantly enhancing their lifespan and
reliability under extreme conditions.
This collaboration was prominent-
ly showcased at EUROSATORY 2024,
where MENATEK celebrated the success
of NAZ Bearings® with DuPont, high-
lighting our commitment to pushing
the boundaries of defense innovation.
Running gears are another key area of
MENATEK’s expertise and are essential
for military tracked vehicles. MENATEK
designs these systems to deliver supe-
rior performance and durability under
the most challenging conditions. These
As an engineering house, MENATEK has positioned itself systems enhance the mobility and op-
at the forefront of defense technology, delivering innova- erational efficiency of military vehicles, ensuring they can
tive solutions that meet the rigorous demands of modern operate effectively in any terrain. The solutions developed
armed forces. Built on a foundation of engineering and by MENATEK play a crucial role in the success of military
manufacturing excellence, MENATEK specializes in devel- platforms, providing durability and longevity in the most
oping advanced systems and components that enhance demanding operational environments.
the operational effectiveness of military platforms world-
wide. MENATEK has the capability to design and manu- MENATEK remains focused on innovation, quality and col-
facture critical components such as running gears, torsion laboration, ensuring that our solutions continue to lead
bars, track shoes, road wheels, and suspension systems. the defense industry. With our unwavering commitment
As an approved supplier for the US Army, NATO, and the to excellence, we are proud to support the safety and ef-
Turkish Armed Forces, MENATEK is recognized for its reli- fectiveness of military operations worldwide.
ability and high-quality standards.
To further illustrate MENATEK’s com-
mitment to excellence, NAZ Bearings®
represents a groundbreaking innova-
tion that has set new industry stan-
dards for durability and performance.
Our collaboration with DuPont, a glob-
al leader in materials science, has been
integral to this success. Together, we
have developed advanced solutions
that integrate DuPont™ engineered
composite’s high-performance poly-
mers into our NAZ Bearings®, signifi-