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24  DEF EN SEH ER E   L I M A   2 0 2 3   E D I T I O N  DEF EN SEH ER E  L I M A E D I S I 2 0 2 3  25


 1. United States   766.6
 2. China  242.4
 3. Russia  87.9  MALAYSIA
 4. United Kingdom  70.0
 5. India  66.6
 6. France  54.4
 7. Germany  53.4
 8. Japan  48.1
 9. Saudi Arabia  45.6
 10. Iran   44.0
 11. South Korea   43.0
 12. Australia    33.8
 13. Italy   31.1
 14. Canada   24.6
 15. Brazil   23.0
 Source: Military Balance 2023

 2022 TOP 15 DEFENCE BUDGETS AS A % OF GDP           34,219,975 (2023 est.)
 1. Oman   5.9%  6. Mali   4.5%  11. UAE   4.0%
                                                     Real GDP (purchasing
 2. Kuwait   5.0%  7. Morrocco   4.5%  12. Qatar   3.8%
 3. Algeria   4.8%  8. Israel   4.3%  13. Azarbaijan   3.8%  power parity)
 4. Jordan   4.8%  9. Armenia   4.2%  14. Greece   3.5%  $931.847 billion (2022 est.)
 5. Saudi Arabia   4.5%  10. Russia   4.1%  15. Cambodia   3.5%  $884.106 billion (2021 est.)
          MILITARY                                   $857.588 billion (2020 est.)
 Source: Military Balance 2023
 Oman Kuwait Algeria Jordan  Saudi  Mali Morocco  Israel Armenia Russia  UAE  Qatar Azerbaijan  Greece Cambodia  AND SECURITY  $907.832 billion (2019 est.)

          MILITARY AND               ited capacity for external defence.   Malaysian forces regularly par-
          SECURITY FORCES            In December 2019, the then-gov-  ticipate in ADMM–Plus, Five Power
          Malaysian Armed Forces (Angkatan   ernment tabled the country’s first   Defence  Arrangements  and  other
          Tentera Malaysia, ATM): Malaysian   defence  White  Paper;  this  was   exercises with regional and inter-
 TOP 15 DEFENCE COMPANIES FOR 2022  Army  (Tentera  Darat  Malaysia),   reaffirmed  by  the  new  govern-  national partners. Much of Malay-
          Royal Malaysian Navy (Tentera Laut   ment  that  took  office  in  August   sia’s military equipment is ageing
 Rank  Company  Country  Revenue from   2021 Defence   2020 Defence
 2022  Defence  Revenue  Revenue  Diraja Malaysia, TLDM), Royal Ma-  2021.  The  White  Paper  identified   and there are important capability
 (in millions)  (in millions)
          laysian Air  Force (Tentera  Udara   the  ‘three  pillars’  of  Malaysia’s   gaps,  particularly  in  air  defence
 1  Lockheed Martin  U.S.  96%  $64,458.00  $62,562.00
 2  Raytheon Technologies  U.S.  65%  $41,852.20  $42,000.00  Diraja  Malaysia,  TUDM);  Ministry   defence  strategy  as  ‘concentric   and maritime surveillance. There
 3  Boeing  U.S.  56%  $35,093.00  $32,400.00  of Home Affairs: Royal Malaysian   deterrence’ (the armed forces’   are plans to acquire new light com-
 4  Northrop Grumman  U.S.  88%  $31,429.00  $31,400.00
          Police (PRMD), Malaysian Maritime   protection of national interests in   bat aircraft, maritime patrol air-
 5  General Dynamics  U.S.  80%  $30,800.00  $29,800.00
 6  Aviation Industry Corporation of China  China  37%  $30,155.22  $25,468.59  Enforcement Agency (MMEA; aka   ‘core’,  ‘extended’  and  ‘forward’   craft and MALE UAVs. An air force
 7  BAE Systems  U.K.  96%  $25,775.20  $23,502.38  Malaysian Coast Guard) (2023)  zones);  ‘comprehensive  defence’   squadron was established in 2021
 8  China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited  China  20%  $18,517.72  $16,017.53
                                     (involving   whole-of-government   to operate UAVs. Funds have been
 9  China North Industries Group Corporation Limited  China  22%  $17,711.93  $15,249.27
 10  L3Harris Technologies  U.S.  84%  $14,924.00  $14,936.00  and  whole-of-society  support  for   earmarked  for  an  F/A-18D  sus-
 11  China Electronics Technology Group  China  25%  $14,659.22  $10,465.75
          CAPABILITIES               the  national-defence  effort);  and   tainment and upgrade programme.
 12  Leonardo  Italy  83%  $13,878.35  $11,173.33
          Modernization programmes over the   ‘credible  partnerships’  (involving   Malaysia  hosts  Australian  forces
 13  China South Industries Group Corporation  China  31%  $13,744.95  $10,697.68
 14  China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation  China  32%  $13,125.11  $12,060.26  past 30 years have provided the   engagement in regional and wider   and the headquarters of the FPDA
 15  Airbus  Netherlands/France  18%  $10,853.55  $12,004.28
          Malaysian armed forces with a lim-  international defence cooperation).   Integrated Area Defence System at
 Source: Defencenews
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