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16                                                          D EF EN S EH ER E  S O F E X 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N


         ASSAN Group Makine Savunma Sanayi A.Ş. was estab-  At the Warhead & Rocket Engine Production and Filling
         lished in 1986. Since 2016, it has engaged in product   Facility (GEPAT) located on approximately 1,000,000 m²
         development and production in the defense industry,   of land at the Bolu/Gerede campus, ASSAN continues to
         providing end-to-end solutions with its ever-expanding   fill explosive materials for warheads and rocket engines,
         product range.                                 while also conducting fuel and explosive development ac-
         ASSAN continuously enhances its capabilities in the de-  tivities in its R&D laboratories. By the end of 2024, the pro-
             fense industry with its strategic and innovative prod-  duction of critical explosive raw materials such as HMX,
               ucts. This is achieved through its production infra-  RDX, AP, and C4 at the same facility will be completed.
                structure, which includes over 320 CNC machines,
                 forging machines, vertical and horizontal press-  ASSAN’s goal is to continuously enhance its capabilities,
                  es, within a 178,000 m² indoor production   become a stronger and more competitive player in the de-
                    area located on a total land of 1.1 million m²   fense industry, and provide domestic and national prod-
                     in the Sincan OSB and Bolu/Gerede facil-  ucts to end users.
                         ASSAN’s flagship product is the Mark
                         Series Aerial Bomb bodies, which the
                          company can design and manufac-
                          ture  in  both  forged  steel  and  pre-
                          formed fragmented versions. Ad-
                          ditionally, ASSAN produces heavy
                          weapon ammunition, rockets, mor-
                           tars, and recoilless rifles.
                           With a recent investment, an in-
                           tegrated 155 mm artillery ammu-
                           nition body production and filling
                          line with an annual capacity of
                          180,000 units will soon commence
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